Telangana University

తెలంగాణ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం
Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA, India
(Established under the Act 28 of 2006. A.P.)

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC      
:: Academic Plan & Attendance System ::

Academic Plan:

Telangana University has adopted the semester system. The academic year is divided into two semesters, each consisting of about 90 instructional days. The odd semester is from July to November and the even semester is from December to May. Each semester is a complete unit by itself. The instructional methods include conventional lectures, classroom interactions, guest lectures, seminars, symposia, field study/ training and Project Work. The syllabi and the model question papers will be provided by the respective departments.


Candidates shall put in attendance for not less than 75% of the total number of working days. Candidates who put in attendance between 66% and 75% on medical grounds have to remit a condonation fee of Rs. 500/-. Candidates who put in attendance below 66% will not be permitted to appear for the examination and they have to repeat the course paying necessary fee. Condonation for shortage of attendance may be granted on the recommendation of the committee constituted for the purpose. If a candidate represents the University at games, sports and other officially organized extra-curricular activities, it will be deemed that he has attended the college on the day he is absent for that purpose. Permission for representing the University in extra-curricular activities like sports, games, cultural festivals, NCC, NSS etc. should be obtained in advance from the Registrar, with a letter of request, duly recommended by the faculty members. Attendance of the students will be put up on the notice boards every month. If the student fails to put in the required attendance a letter will be sent to the parent / guardian of the student asking them to advice their ward to improve his/ her attendance. In case of insufficient attendance, he/she will not be allowed to appear in the semester end examinations. Once the list of students not having sufficient attendance is put up on the notice board at the end of semester, no request will be entertained. The minimum attendance for practicals is 80% of the total practicals conducted during the academic year.

Rules & Regulations of Attendance of Students:

1. Candidates admitted to a particular course of study are required to pursue a “Regular Course of study” before they are permitted to appear for the university Examination.

2. A regular course of study” means putting in attendance of not less than 75% of the lectures and practicals and this provision be enforced strictly.

3. a) In special cases and for sufficient cause shown, the Vice-Chancellor, may, on the specific recommendation of the Principal/Head of the Department, condone the deficiency in attendance to the extent of 10% (9% in the case of Law courses) on medical grounds subject to submission of medical certificate and payment of Condonation fee.

b) However, in respect of women candidates who seek Condonation of attendance due to pregnancy, the Vice-Chancellor may condone the deficiency in attendance to the extent of 15% (as against 10% Condonation for others) on medical grounds subject to submission of medical certificate to this effect. Such Condonation shall not be availed twice during the course of study.

4. The fee for Condonation of attendance on medical grounds shall be Rs.500/- for year wise course and Rs.250/- per semester course payable through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Registrar, Telangana University”.

5. “Attendance of NSS Camps or inter collegiate or Inter University or Inter State or International matches or debates or Educational Excursions or such other Inter University activities as approved by the authorities involving journeys outside the city in which the college is situated will not be counted as absence. However, such absence shall not exceed (8) weeks per year of the total period of instructions. Such leave should not be availed during the course of study.

6. The attendance shall be calculated on the aggregate of the papers/ subjects from the date of commencement of classes as per the almanac communicated by the University.

7. The attendance is to be marked only in the class room and kept in cumulative and progressive manner.

8. In case of the candidates who fail to put in the required attendance in a course of study, the admission in to which is based on the qualifying examination he/she shall be detained in the same class and will not be permitted to appear for the University examination. Such candidates shall have to seek readmission in to the class during the subsequent year in order to complete the shortage in attendance and appear for the examination after fulfilling the attendance requirements.

9. a) Candidates admitted to the first year through an entrance test and do not have the require attendance but have not less than 40% attendance can seek readmission without once again appearing for the entrance test.

b) In respect of candidates of such courses where the admissions are governed through an entrance test, candidates of I year I semester who do not have the minimum 40% attendance would lose their sent and they will have to seek admission afresh by appearing at the entrance test once again.

c) In respect of the candidates of such courses where there is no entrance test for admission and who do not have the required attendance but have put in not less than 40% of attendance can seek readmission during the subsequent year. d) In respect of the candidates of such courses where there is no entrance test for admission the candidates who have put in less than 40% attendance will have to seek admission afresh.

d) In respect of all the courses where the admissions are governed through an entrance test or otherwise, candidates of second and subsequent year of study, who do not have require attendance, but who have put in not less than 40% attendance can seek readmission to fulfill the attendance requirements during the subsequent year.

10. Candidates falling short of requisite attendance of 75% or 65% on medical grounds as the case may be put having more than 20% attendance shall be individually warned in writing every month/fortnight that they will be detained if they do not improve their attendance. Candidates who fail to put in a minimum of 10% of attendance in a particular month/fortnight with the possibility of putting in 40% attendance in the entire academic year/term will be given notice by the head of the Department / principal for explaining as to why his/her name should not be struck off the from the rolls. On a satisfactory reply, the candidates name may be kept on rolls. If the candidate continues to maintain less than 20% of attendance for the second month/fortnight with a possibility of getting 40% attendance in the entire academic year /term will be given notice by the Head of the Department/Principal for explaining as to why his/her name should not be struck off from the rolls. On a satisfactory reply, the candidate’s name may be kept on rolls. If the candidate continues to maintain less than 20% of attendance for the second month/fortnight with a possibility of getting 40% attendance in the entire academic year or term will be given a second and final chance by the Head/Principal to explain why his/her name should not be removed from the rolls, under intimation to his parents. On satisfactory reply his name may be continued on rolls. If the candidate put in less than 20% of attendance for the third month/fortnight also and there is no possibility of getting 40% attendance in aggregate in the entire academic year, his/her name shall be struck off from the rolls. Once the name is struck off from the rolls it shall not be shown in the attendance register.



















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